Conversation Between Leon and Dodie16

74 Visitor Messages

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  1. I only started getting into them so I haven't waited as long :3

    How are you?
  2. Ponies coming soon! We've waited long enough, eh? Welcome back to TFF too! Sorry I've been away as well. ^^ Welcome back to both of us? xD
  3. Ponies. Needs moar ponies. o.o
  4. Hello, Dodie. Remember me?
  5. Happy birthday to ya~ Hope you're having a great one, wherever you are. ^^
  6. WAS on the fritz so its all good. The Sealed Cave was one of the hardest parts in the game. The doors are a major pain.
  7. Aww.. Your PSP was on the fritz? :/ Lame. Why can't things be durable like they were in the olden days? *waves cane around* My bro still has a fully functioning SNES that has been through hell and back. It was his when he was a kid.

    I've played FF IV DS and made it to the sealed cave, and then promptly got my booty handed to me by the various monsters that lurk there. I'm liking the PSP version, because it's easier to breeze through the enemies.
  8. Got my PSP working again so I'm happy right now. Still on Ven' story in BbS, and then I'll move on to Aqua's. Just beaten Vanitas with Mickey's help.

    Things'll get better once you make that trip. So, look forward to it!
  9. I are doing okay. Bored, but okay. I did manage to get some playtime in on FF IV Complete, though I'm not very far. Just outside of Yang's hometown place, and I'm about to ride on the boat.

    What about you? How be ye these days?
  10. Hello, lady with the sexeh signature!

    How are ya?
  11. You better, or I'll give you one of my bear hugs if you keep putting it off! O.O
  12. Dodging and shot-lock were my best friends in the harder battles. And yes, I have been putting off FF IV Complete, but after I got your VM, I put it in my PSP so I wouldn't put it off any longer! Heh... Maybe that will motivate me to play it.
  13. I eventually learned to time my dodging. I never experienced anything like that in KHII. I think the fight that irritated me the most so far was Experiment 221. Everyone else I beat in a day or two. That pain in the rear had me stop playing for two days at least.

    Yeah, it won't be long until I beat this guy. Are you still procrastinating on FFIV?
  14. Wow, you're really moving right along! And yeah, those final fights in the end are really something else. I can't imagine how it is on Critical Mode. How was the fight with Zack in Olympus Coliseum? I believe that's first time where I nearly chucked my PSP across the room in frustration, then decided against it because that would be expensive to replace.
  15. Yup. And btw, I'm getting near the end of Terra's story. Ah, Xehanort. I wish you didn't have to do a long combo that's guaranteed to kill me. lol

    BUT it is a good game. Spent so long on just that part.
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