Conversation Between JillXWesker and Xanatos

61 Visitor Messages

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  1. Not sure I understand, Carly's somewhat similar to Amy Lee, by both appearance and voice, I guess that's type of girl Moody likes... as for not liking her, is there a particular reason because she has a really beautiful voice and that what one should really look in a singer.
  2. Yeah, I've heard of them... Don't care for them really because the singer is just... Ugh. I don't understand why Ben Moody would team up with her...
  3. I'm glad you like Evanescence, one of my favorite bands, I'm also glad to hear/read their new album is great, I only wish it was the case with all of my favorite bands =(

    You also may like "We Are The Fallen", a rather young band similar to Evanescence, some might say way to similar which is rather stupid as their founder is former founder of Evanescence and he can't copy himself, can he. Here's a link to one of their songs, hope you enjoy it We Are The Fallen - I Am Only One - YouTube
  4. Thank you! She's my favorite by far. Never listened to them before but heard people compare Evanescence and them together. Just got my hands on Evanescence's new self-titled album, deluxe-edition. It's brilliant!
  5. Well, that explains your absence, still, good to hear that you're doing fine. Do post some of your new drawings on TFF, as a fellow "artist" it's always good to see what other draw in their free time.
  6. I'm fine, just trying real hard in school ^^'. Also drawing and sketching, for my free time as well as writing... Ugh I'm WAY too busy xD!
  7. Thank you Jill. It's been a while since I saw you here on TFF, how have you been?
  8. Oh my gosh! Happy Birthday Xanatos!
  9. I love Dino Crisis... Bastard CAPCOM... Jk! love you CAPCOM!
    Yes, the third sucked... I didn't play it, if it has jet packs, and is in space, I'm pretty sure its stupid. Oh.. .And Regina isn't in it -_-...I hope they make a 4th Dino Crisis though... But with Regina in it!
  10. Shame though, great game, similar to Resident Evil and Dino Crisis, only with RPG elements. I've been waiting for the third installment since the first day SquareEnix announced they're making it, it's been what, 2-3 years if not more and there's still no sing of Parasite Eve 3. I'm also surprised Capcom gave up on Dino Crisis, sure the third sucked, but still, not a good reason to terminate the franchise.
  11. Hm... Nope xD I think I've heard of it.
  12. Well, if it's anything like Fahrenheit, and I believe it is, than it's an excellent game. Both games are well know for their great story, and that's something I look for in games. Speaking of excellent games, ever played Parasite Eve?
  13. sorry =X Unknown Enity talked about that one...
  14. Haven't heard? Now you're insulting me. I've heard of it, I mean who hasn't, but as you know I don't have a new generation console to play it on. Though I'm huge fan of it's predecessor, Fahrenheit, an older game, still, excellent one.
  15. I wanted to play it, but don't have the money to do so.
    I'm guess you haven't heard of Heavy Rain either?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 61
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