Conversation Between JillXWesker and Alther Primus

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Yo! What's up?
  2. Heh heh... Thanks. Forgot to work on my stuff >.<! Damn it...
    This is going to b really hard to juggle, with school about to start.
  3. Welcome to the Citizens of Chaosthroph!
  4. You're gonna have to talk to Elyon Seraphim about that, I may have a LITTLE bit of influence, but he IS the leader, so...
  5. Hey Alther! Think I could have a try at your guys RP group =D?
  6. Hm... Might have to try it sometime. RPing I mean.
  7. LOL, it IS cool!
  8. Oh, thats neat ^^! Never RP'ed before =/
  9. We mostly RP and Elyon (The group Leader) is working on a video game based off of it!
  10. Okay... I thought you going to be one of those guys that drinks blood, and worships the Devil XD And thanks. I saw that you have a Social Group (Forgot the name) what do you guys do in that group?
  11. Nice to meet you as well JillXWesker, I am Alther Primus, a demon lord from Chaosthroph!@
    (Nah, I'm just a normal dude )
  12. Hello! I don't believe we've met before! I'm JillXWesker ^^! Nice to meet you.-
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12