Conversation Between squall_cloud_hpf and Unknown Entity

12 Visitor Messages

  1. heya i havent been here in ages how u doing btw im fine ty, although the ps2 broke sooo
  2. Hello! How're you doing? It's been a while, haha.
  3. I gt bored nd thort there has 2 b a tff site so i put tht in nd voila i meet u
  4. I found this place just by chance. I remember being upset over something, and I put on Final Fantasy VII to cheer myself up. I was playing for a while, and I must have gotten stuck or couldn't remember something, so I googled whatever it was, and this place was the first link.

    I found what I was looking for, signed up out of curiosity, freaked out and left because to me, it was a pretty big forum then. But I came back a week or so later, and I've not been able to leave since. I'm glad I've stayed though - I've made so many friends on here, and I'm in love with one of them. ^^

    Haha, I dragged on waayyy too much there. How'd you find this place?
  5. Sound as a pound howd u find this place
  6. I'm pretty good myself. ^^
  7. Im gud ty wbu
  8. Sveeeet! =D

    How're you doing today?
  9. yh nearly
  10. Haha, it's alright. Like I said, most of us made the same mistake when we joined/when the feature was added.

    You've almost got the lionheart?
  11. yh ty 4 telling me tht b4 i make an arse of myself as usual, im finding it very usefull nd i hav almost got the lionheart woop!!
  12. Boo! These are VMs (should have done this a while ago.. oops). I notice you found them, but the people you're replying to can't see your reply because you posted it on your own profile. D=

    If you click on the "View Conversation" link at the bottom right of each message, you can reply to them. Don't worry - we've all made this mistake before.

    How're you finding TFF?
    BTW, nice profile. I like it. ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12