Conversation Between Aadria and Zargabaath

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Ah, fun stuffs.
  2. Nah, I'm living in VA, born in NY.
  3. Anthem is amazing, definitely take the time to read it, it'll probably only be take a few hours. Haha, Gundam... I love that game/show. Haven't really kept up with the newer ones, though. I'm in MO. Are you a midwesterner, too?
  4. I have Anthem, The Fountainhead, & Atlas Shrugged in my collection of books though I have not read them yet since I have around 14 books to go before I get into them. I've put a hold on my reading lately - and gaming - while I'm on a Gundam marathon; I'm currently almost half-way through Zeta Gundam.

    Where in the mid-west are you?
  5. I think that Ayn Rand is a phenomenal author with amazing ideas. Other than The Fountainhead, I've only read Anthem, but I recently bought Atlas Shrugged and plan to read it as soon as I get some time. Sounds interesting, I'll definitely look into the series. Thanks!
    Ah! I've always been interested in the Star Ocean games, but have never taken the time or initiative to play them. I'll definitely put it on my to-do list now that it's been recommended, haha.
  6. How interested are you in Ayn Rand? Did you read any of her other books? If you liked The Fountainhead you make the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind.

    As for some PSP games try Star Ocean: First Departure and Star Ocean: Second Evolution.
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