Conversation Between NeoAquarius12 and Zargabaath

6 Visitor Messages

  1. That is a whole lot of simultaneous gaming. haha. I enjoy Solaris because the game starts mking sense there. And there is also, ahem, a neat shower scene. I know it's not much but it really raises the tension between the two characters. haha
  2. I'm currently on my second playthrough of the game; I took a break for FFXIII, Persona 4 (a bit) and some FFXII. I'm about to head up to Solaris.
  3. Touche good sir. Touche. The love making scene. Epic. The original hot coffee. haha. I need to play that game again, though I just watched a roommate play through it.
  4. True, but it is suggested that they [Fei & Elly] did more than make out in a lake...
  5. Well, yeah, but Fei and Elly never made out in a lake surrounded by crystals. haha. I prefer FFX just because of the cinematic qualities of it.
  6. I love Final Fantasy X as well but Xenogears' story is just so much more. Tidus and Yuna were a great couple but Fei and Elly had a history spanning 10,000 years of tragic love in their past lives.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6