Conversation Between Angel of Iniquity and che

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. *smile slightly*
    Humorous indeed.
    Well then... *walks away*
  2. I dunno what people do with my posts. Probably masturbate to them.
  3. I see. So when you post, people take your posts as harmless and slightly humorous, and may not take them to heart correct?
  4. I'm always joking unless I'm serious.
  5. ... okay...?
    You're not the type to get serious are you?
    You were serious in the last post which highly intrigued me.
  6. Thanks for the protips.
  7. I won't flaim the thread.
    So, I got attacked because I said something about pain?
    Haven't I also stated that 90% of the world can die? Ohhh, but I guess it is because the format I said it. Just ignore it, is that so hard? I thought it might be a little to harsh so I tried to add something to soften it up with that Pulse thing.

    Oh and, if you repediatly(bad spelling) drink to get drunk, you aren't sane.
  8. Really? I didn't want to be rude directly to you because I don't know how your mind works, so I thought I should ASK you to stop. And I am not baiting anything. I said what I said, I'm not trying to have other people point at me so I can get more warnings.
    Again, intelligence has nothing to do with how one would use it. Emotions and Intelligence aren't connected.
  9. Excuses. If you really had a problem you'd ignore me and report it. Instead you keep messaging me, instigating problems and posting more bait in GC. Tsk Tsk.
  10. You called me ignorant. For mistaking something I wrote.
    And then the last 4 posts I sent to you, I told you to leave me alone.
  11. You keep messaging me...
  12. No, I'm asking you to leave me alone.
  13. Report me for what? You'd be just as guilty as I am now.
  14. I can tell the extent of your intelligence from that last message you sent me.
    Anyways, I'm not doing anything, so leave me alone, or I will report you.
  15. I thought someone as highly intelligent and trained in psychology as you, especially with your deeper outlook on life would be able handle such interactions with other people. Maybe you'll have to ask me nicely for the last time a few more times.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 21
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