Conversation Between Angel of Iniquity and Xanatos

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't hate it, not in way that I would use every opportunity to bash it that is, I just found it to be the weakest entrie in franchise, main series to be more precise.

    In my humble opinion both story, and characters, well, most of them anyways, were awful to say the least, attributes I prefer the most, not just in RPG games. Gameplay alone was barely enough to keep me playing it til very end, though I prefer simpler version of job system.
  2. neooo, why do you hate FF5?
  3. Yes, it seems some people have a slight attraction for their fears.
    Now if it were a damn, Waterfall, or any other loud fixture of water, then i would be hesitant. ^-^
  4. Strange phobia you got there, fear of water, though certain amount still needs to be there.
  5. No, you can quote my posts if you want. I just won't react "out of hand" over it, even if I sense something. Bleh, why do you speak with a higher vocab?
    I mean, my Psych told me I should stop because people might take it offensively to their intellect. Is it habitual or do you think before you post?
  6. As you wish. I'll restrain myself from quoting your posts, that's what you want after all, and so far it brought nothing good.
  7. I'm not going to act as I feel anymore.
    I will abstain from acting arrogant, well, directly.
    How about we start anew?
  8. Well that's the thing. They may not make sense to you but they might to others.
    Not directly accusing you. You have before and this is pointing a broad spectrum of those who held the same opinion with me.
    And just so you know, any more arrogant or insolent replies to me will no longer be taken seriously, or will I put any thought into them unless they hold relevance in truth.
  9. You're mistaken if you think I have some kind of issue with you, grudge if you will, I have, and always will quote posts that might contain false information, claims, or don't make sense whatsoever, be it yours or any other for that matter.

    Next time you decide to read my mesagess, do read mine first, that should make you think for second or two before accusing me.
  10. Not attempting to be an ass.
    Just don't talk about me behind me.
    I came to say this.
    From now on, how about we not argue, infact, how about we NOT respond to each others posts. Ever, cause apparently, we will never get along.
  11. *laughs*
    Yea, I kinda asked for it in a sense.
    Sorry for getting angry lolo
  12. It seems we have warning on our hands, funny thing is, I saw this coming. Those warnings will disappear in less time, only if we behave though, trust me I know this from my own experience.
  13. I did put quotation marks when I wrote the word handicap, the closest I've come to understand the mentioned disorder is after reading a page on Wikipedia, so I'll have to take your word on it, due to your personal experience and all.
  14. Lol, okay.
    I did say that the voice quality was bad. But apparently to others it isn't a big deal or barely noticeable. So tho it is truth, being compressed, it isn't strong enough to matter.
    At first I said, had tstudied in psychology, through anger I stated educated psychologist, that was my fault, tho I have been told that I am a really great psychologist by the professionals themselves.
    Tho, it is still opinion about my thoughts on balthier. I couldn't tell his motives till mid game, same with most as they all seemed confused and disorganized. This is another opinion, to you, he had shown an overall objective. Confusing but I can't say for the moment.
    It's not more of a handicap. Allot of people tend to calls us "mental" or other names, while in fact, most of us have higher IQ's, understandings, creative power, and other crap like that lol. It's actually only my way of thinking that is considered weird lol, not my ability to think. I mean, a handicap person can't practice Kyokushin martial arts, Piano for 7 years, study psychology as fun(don't take the fun in a negative way), and video game design. Not to mention music design bleh bleh bleh
    Anyways, Other than the music and audio compression rte problems, most can be taken as a opinion. But if most things are opinions, what is the point of debates? An attempt to force an opinion on another to persuade the others opinion? That is a little shroudy because us who have a set opinion, won't change.
  15. I'm far from expert in computer generated imagery, so you'll have to excuse me if I got this wrong. One game has particular advantage over the other, and vice versa, which means it depends what you're looking for if your to decide which one's better, which again is personal opinion. I prefer CGI animations of Final Fantasy XII for one reason, characters do look like their selves, on the other hand, Tidus, few other characters as well, don't resemble their CGI versions. One more thing though, why were we discussing CGI animations in the first place, both look impressive, but they're far from measure of what game looks like.

    Since you still have to provide a proper link, I decided to have a search on my own, it's discussed, but mostly on forums. According to some, issue is present, hardly noticeable though, overall voice quality seems to be good.

    Opponents aren't only measure of challenge, game can challenge you in various ways. Collecting gil for instance, or particular items requires more effort, and you yourself called few opponents somewhat challenging, my original claim wasn't far from truth, Final Fantasy XII is challenging compared to it's predecessors, unless you can name me one title in franchise that was more challenging, keep in mind that I have yet to play Final Fantasy XIII.

    True, to like certain someone is solely up to you, but to dislike them for false reasons is another thing entirely. Look at some of your posts, you tried to justify your dislike with "facts" that weren't there to begin with, lack of Balthier determination would be prime example.

    Yes, you're psychologist, at least you claim to be. Honestly, you're too young to be one. Even if you are, you're far from good one. No offense though, it's just the impression I got. Good psychologist do understand characters, and their emotions, you on the other hand failed to understand not just characters of Final Fantasy XII, quite few others as well, thus psych card doesn't mean anything to me. As for schitzotypal disorder, I do sympathize, nevertheless you were wiling to participate in this discussion knowing you have "handicap". Unfortunately, there are no excuses in debates, if you can't back your words don't make the claim in the first place.
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