Conversation Between Angel of Iniquity and Pete

11 Visitor Messages

  1. It's all good. I was just curious as to what you were disagreeing with.
  2. Oh... Well sorry for the rep then, but your post gave a different sens of mond then the comment you gave me.
  3. Oh I'm not saying it's right or even justifiable; especially when it's based on physical features. There are some things though, like when kids just seem to be completely clueless as to why they're picked on, but also actively try not to assimilate at all, and are just THAT far out there. But yeah, most of the time it is the bullies fault, or at least whatever underlying factors may be present.
  4. Sooo, and ugly kid brings it up on himself? How about somebody who doesn't have the same interests, and they pick on him because of that?
    No, in almost every way you can think of it, it isn't their fault in comparative to the bullies fault.
    However, I will say the last generation of parents are harshly F'ing up this generation...
  5. In societies eyes, some kids do cause and contribute to it though. I'm not agreeing with it by any means, but sometimes you do see those kids who "ask for it," based on their looks, style or interests. You do have those kids who are just "weird" by a societal definition. It's unfortunate though that these kids aren't protected because of it though.
  6. The kids who got bullied. They didn't cause it or contribute to it.
  7. And you disagree with me why?
  8. I don't even know what that means. Try English.
  9. Amerika saitei.
  10. Don't come to me, telling me that the country that my members of my family have died defending, sucks. You have the right to tell me that America sucks, thanks to people like them, just as much as I have every right to call you a fucking moron for thinking that. You also capitalize the name of the country, douche.

    Saying shit like the pisses me off, and is highly offensive. But thanks, you've inspired me to go and take some nice pics of the battle flag my grandpa captured from the Japs back in WW2. I hope you like them.

    You have yourself a nice day, while I go and enjoy my beer and collection of trinkets from dead Japanese soldiers.
  11. Hey guy, no rude comments seriously.

    I didn't say anything ruse to you, so don't to me.
    Plus, america sucks.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11