Conversation Between Musashiden and Victoria

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, kinda takes the fun out of playing online when the same group of jackasses spam the same moves over and over and over and over and... you get the idea XD.
  2. Ouch, that sucks. =(
    I don't even use Raph.
  3. Yeah, until I get my ass beat lmao.

    I hopped online for shits and giggles to find nothing but assholes spamming Raphael lol
  4. Haha, it's fine. I got my 30. ^^;
    We can still play online though! That'd be fun! XD
  5. Thanks XD. BTW, my Xbox is a piece of shit so it might be a minute or 5 before I can play SCIV on Live again lol
  6. Happy Birthday person!
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