Conversation Between Musashiden and Assassin

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey, thanks ^_^. Artificial padding to get to 30 characters! XD
  2. Hey! Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one!
  3. I watched the episode about the trickster in season 5. It was soooo funny. I just couldn't stop laughing. Every episode about the trickster is freakin' funny.
    Which episode of season 5 is your favourite?
  4. Without question lol.
  5. Well, I haven't watched the ending yet because I only get a chance to watch it on weekends. So, is season 5 your favourite season?
  6. Brace for epic towards the end of Season 5. Seriously. Season 5 made SPN the best show on TV... aside from Arrested Development, anyway.
  7. Oh too bad. I haven't watched season 7 either. I actually watch supernatural online. We sometimes buy the cd of the season or download it. I've watched half of season 6, first five episodes of season 5 and all the episodes of season 1-4.
  8. Not yet, no. I'm still catching up on Season 6... I got stuck in Texas for a year with no CW .
  9. I know. The first episode about the trickster was the funniest but the one in which Dean keeps on dying, its funny at the beginning but in the end it gets kind of sad. Hey, did you watch the 7th season?
  10. Yeah, that's actually one of my favorites. Anything involving the trickster is good fun.
  11. Yeah! that one. Do you like it? The name is "Mystery Spot", I guess.
  12. Yeah! that one . Do you like it? The name is "Mystery Spot", I guess.
  13. Tuesday. Pig in a poke!
  14. He looks sooooo cute when he says that to Dean. I don't like Bella that much coz she always creates problems for Sam and Dean even though they always help her.
    Hey, have you seen that episode in which Dean keeps on dying in season 3 I guess. It's about a trickster.
  15. Yeah, my favorite bit is when Sam loses his shoe and just looks at Dean with this pathetic face and says "I lost my shoe... ". As for Bella. She was interesting. At times you kinda feel for her, and when I found out about the deal she made I was just like "Oh, okay, yup, bring on the hellhounds!"
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