Conversation Between Cain Highwind and T.G. Oskar

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Dang, you've inspired me at last.

    I'll have any of the guys at the avy/sig request make me a Joe the Condor mix-up. I was an old fan of G-Force (in Spanish!!!).

    I was a fan a bit more of Joe than of Ken. What with the "sight of an eagle" and the "nerves of steel" properties. And being the second in command and whatnot.

    ...Care to aid a bit?
  2. Decided to play a bit more your hack, at least to the School section. (Thought I'd forgotten about that, right?)

    I mean, are you sure to give the Stardust Rod to Mog, when such weapon is supposed to be one of the strongest Rods, and also one easily acquired so early in-game?

    I mean, one of the typical steps in walk-throughs implies that you can get good weapons very early from Mog, something you might wanna consider.
  3. see Fanboys?

    I got hooked by a friend of mine. That was golden, putting Eeyore as a spy because "no one notices him"
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