Conversation Between Cain Highwind and Aerif

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Amano did official art for the series? I didn't even realise he had anything to do with the show, probably because of the lack of subbing you already mentioned

    I've not watched many episodes, though I did see a fun-sub of the first episode, and since I can't understand a word of Japanese, I was very grateful for that sub
  2. Ha! I didn't know I passed along my recent "addiction" to someone else XD. Too bad no one wants to sub the damn series. And yeah I like this avy, it some of Amano's official Art for the series.
  3. Everytime I see your avatar I start singing the Yatterman theme tune.

    Because of that people stare at me funny.

    I don't know whether to thank you for introducing it to me or smite you for the staring.
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