Conversation Between darknesse and The_Dream_Recluse

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha i don't mind, i'm generally a good listener

    You won't be shunned, sure life will be a little different but you will get adjusted xD
  2. Oh, its not a bad thing, its more.. the fact that everythings unchaning. But im not here to unload on you
    What happens if i move to america though? Will i be shunned? D:
  3. Haha naw why is that a bad thing? You have a group of friends who care about you
  4. Sure, go for it. But its unlikely that im going anywhere anytime soon -sighs-
  5. Haha ah okay fair enough then. Well i'll keep talking to you every once in a while in order to keep you coming back *evil master plan*
  6. Hey, im not really here too much, i mainly come to read, and write journal entries. And talk to the people that talk to me :3 xD
  7. Hey glad to see a fellow Aussie here on the forums
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7