Conversation Between Yuna and ViviMasterMage

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Sì, repetition can become boring fast but sometimes backtracking and doing the same things is pretty fun like Kingdom Hearts and Devil May Cry. But with Assassin's Creed, it becomes tedioso.

    So he's a real swinger, isn't he? I feel sorry for Desmond because he's dragged into it all, huh?

    And all you have to do is put my in your signature, like mine.
  2. Yeah, it did get repetitive around halfway through didn't it? I mean, I didn't like going to eagle points all the time. He has more emotion and a bit of a sarcastic wit about him, huh? Oh, I got it right? =D

    Yay! Thanks! Sì, sì, sì! =D I would love to!
  3. The first game was beautiful, but too much repetitive in few parts ! 2nd one is better not just for the character (more human than Altair) but also for Location that I know molto bene !

    You're going to be my fratellino !!! I will adopt you !!! Sei d'accordo ?
  4. Well, grazie, sorella! Yeah! It does actually, doesn't it?! xD Mezzo e Italiano, mezzo e Inglese, sì?

    Me, too! =D Oh, I liked the 1st one as well. The story is very entertaining.

    Oh, cool! That sounds like fun! Do you get to take anything home with you after work?

    Oh, ho 15 anni! I'm from Manchester in England. And you?
  5. Well done, fratello ! You know, seems like we are both in Assassin's Creed II, with Ezio that is Italian and he talks part in english, part in my language XD

    Io amo quel gioco ! Because there is a part of real Italy, the one that I love so much !

    I'm working for a french company, chiamata Decathlon, who sell abbigliamento and tools for swimming, running and sports !

    Quanti anni hai Nova ? Where are you from ?
  6. Molto bene! =D I'll help you with your Inglese and you can help me with my Italiano! =D Yeah, I'll be your little English brother! =3

    I know what you mean. With your irregular verbs and phrases! They're so difficult to get used to but you get through it! xD You could have said "You don't have to say too many things." It would have given the sentence a little more sense but we're both learning! =)

    Oh, sounds squisito! What do you work as?
  7. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay è fantasticooo !!! *___* Sono felice ! It's strange for me really, but I like it ! You know, I'm going to be your Italian sister ahahah ! Ciao !

    Yeah, we have a lot of rules and ten thousands word to say something, that's way I prefer english language ! You don't have to say too much things, few verbs and grammar is easy !

    I had dinner few minutes ago, ho cucinato pasta al sugo ! And tomorrow morning I have to wake up early for work, damn ahaha
  8. Grazie!

    Mi piace Italiano! I find it hard when using grammar and sentence stucture but I can remember words and tense. It's pretty difficile but I guess practise makes perfect? Che cosa fai?
  9. It's nice to meet you, too!

    Oh, that would be brilliant! Thank you so much!

    Thanks. I've always found other countries and their languages interesting so when I chose my options, I went for Italian! Thanks for the add as well!
  10. Nova, the pleasure is mine ! =D

    Yes, I'm Italian ! If you need explanations, suggestions about the language, feel free to contact me everytime you need ok ?

    It's nice to see someone who is studying my language, really ! I'm gonna add you as a friend !
  11. Hey, Yuna!

    I heard you are Italian? I'm studying Italian in school so that's good to here. I'm not fluent but, you know! xD

    Nice to meetcha! =)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11