Conversation Between DawnHero and GypsyElder

3 Visitor Messages

  1. you do make perfect sense/maybe that's your gift
    I heard to add on to VII, might damage it some more
    thanx/that's 3,700 votes for Cloud, 5 for Tifa... ... ...
  2. I am against a remake of VII because they really don't need to do anything else with the series, everything other than Crisis Core was unnecessary I think, and just a way of milking VII for more money because of it's popularity.

    If anything else is done, it should only be a remake of the original game for better graphics, nothing more. So yes Cloud.

    My Opinion.
  3. hello
    Gypsy Elder/I know you are busy
    for or against the remake of FFVII? Should Cloud be in the lead?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3