Conversation Between DawnHero and Furore

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Nice.
    Just bought a large poster and an action figure of her today actually.
    Thank you ebay!
  2. I got the news from a blog Affenheimtheater
    URL Revy is back! Black Lagoon Season 3 in July! | Affenheimtheater
    [Revy=Hottest girl with guns ]
  3. Really?
    Where'd you get that info? (I've been wanting more for ages)
  4. SUP Silver
    Black Lagoon is SICK!!! dude 3rd season in July

    peace man
  5. whoa Kimosabe
    *eat your baby* that's what Mike Tyson said to Lewis/Lewis wins by the way
    I spread the love with those gils!!!!
  6. No probs, I wasn't exactly spending anything.
  7. I sent some quick replies did you receive them
    I'll pass them out right away
    [if not,THANx a million]
  8. There, $15000.
  9. Hello Silver
    I would like some gils!!! I wanted to buy items and give some to the members in TFF.
    [Credits goes to you, buddy]
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9