Conversation Between ShadowNinjaChaos and RamesesII

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I usually let them all go, and then feed them algae wafers. I wish I can study Golden perch and Murray-Darling river systems.
  2. Bah I don't measure my fish I fish purely for pleasure, I don't really go for size either just type I love to catch fresh water fish especially in estuaries is much more tricky.

    But I did catch a whopper Yellow belly or Golden Perch weight I have no idea she was about 50cm though poor thing had eggs so I put her back she was a good fight though as I said tricky.
  3. sup sup RamesesII
    cool page
    What's the biggest fish you ever caught?
    I caught a cool 11 pound bass with medium-sized multiplier reel
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3