Conversation Between ExQuentin and GypsyElder

7 Visitor Messages

  1. lol I see...
  2. yay!

    Well good. Because we needz activity
  3. Thanks...

    The only thing that will cause me to leave is if I am forced to. I am staying on these forums for a while.
  4. haha, don't worry people post stuff in the wrong section all the time, no biggie

    I hope you stay.
  5. The site was being a little stupid today when I tried to get on but if it says error ( I think it's just because of my "no script" ) I think you can just choose another link from Google as long as it's the same site
  6. Thank you!
  7. Bluelaguna is where I get most of my game music.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7