Conversation Between Gogeta and che

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello! How are you today? Im bored and I just feel like talking to someone, haha
  2. Japan is pretty cool for the most part. Not that I've been, but the internet is pretty amazing. How old are you? I noticed your bday was Aug23rd. Mine's the 28th!
  3. haha yea, it sucks, thats why i want to move to Japan haha
  4. Wow sounds exactly like here.
  5. haha, i figured as much, haha, us Montanians arn't too much better, lots of wide land, cows, and not much else, haha, except for walmart and mcdonalds, haha
  6. hahaha i'm just messin with you i'm from KC we eat a lot of cows and we're fat.
  7. Yea, and believe it or not, we actually got a new invention called a car about a year ago, now we have to make roads! Crazy right? Haha, so it would be riding under the influence, haha. And its bad to be in th top 5 of being one of the most drunken states in the US....
  8. bahahaha. I know its big there
  9. Yea... Totally, like 24/7! haha Jk
  10. I figured thats cool. so you drive drunk a lot?
  11. Im from Montana, I just like Japan a lot, haha
  12. are you really from tokyo or u trollin mr. dbz avatar?
  13. haha, not much i suppose
  14. whats up sexy
  15. Hello, hows it going?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15