Conversation Between Gogeta and Treize

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yea, well, i really care for her v.v lol, and yea, i probably will meet new ppls
  2. Yeah, that'd be good if she already has a boyfriend. Either way, good luck. Even if it doesn't turn out with her, I'm sure you'll meet a lot of other people.
  3. Yea, i know, not being a perfectionist is kinda not me, lol, and she has a bf, so I dont know if she really likes me like that, and not to mention he looks like a creepo who would cheat on her, so imma go and just let things fly and see what happens, I've been talking to about everyone I trust about this, and they have been saying the same thing, so I think that is what Im going to do ... hmm, just wait till he messes up. Mhmm, thats what imma do, but ill be all like "Oh Im going to be your best friend untill he messes up!" and be there for her.
  4. From what I read, I guess I can just say that you shouldn't be such a "perfectionist." If you both like each other, you may as well go out. You shouldn't really think that you're not good enough for someone. Problems are always going to come up in relationships, so don't think that you're ever going to find a perfect one. I'm sorry if that's not the advice you're looking for. From what I know, it's hard to tell what's the best in your situation.
  5. Hello, I think you should read my journal entries that I have been posting recently, because i kinda want to talk about it to someone I can trust v.v
  6. Wow, that must suck D: oh and yea, everything is going alright, not much happening, just kinda taking it day by day, and Ugg >.< I hate the stupid spring forward non-sense, its stupid D: Its like 11 but it feels like 10 D: Imma be tired tomorrow, lol.
  7. Ah, sorry. I just realized that I didn't respond... Everything is going pretty well with me. I'm studying pretty much all day everyday, but it's not too bad. That's pretty cool that you're learning submission techniques. Is everything else going well?
  8. Hey, hows it going? My friends are teaching me how to fight and use submission techniques so that if I get a girlfriend i can protect her and if you have been reading my journals lately I'm kinda talking about how I like this one girl, so yea, haha. Well, just talk to me when you can
  9. Haha yea, Im not used to it yet, i look on the Who is online thing and i look at the bottom for Zolarp, haha, then im like, wait a min, im not zolarp anymore! Thanks! Even though its copy writed, but oh well, haha, Gogeta is a beast anyways, lol
  10. I was just reading one of your posts a couple minutes ago, and I couldn't figure out who it was. I like your new name better.
  11. Hey, I changed my name from Zolarp to Gogeta, just so your not like "Who is this?" haha
  12. Haha, I bet it is! I have been watching some Dragon Ball, and some Dragon Ball Z lately, also I have been playing some Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2, haha, that game is awesome.
    Also, I have been playing ffxiii and im on chapter 10! whoot!
  13. Yeah, I haven't talked to you in over six months. Things are going pretty well for me. I'm really busy during the week now. Ten hours of school per day is quite tiring. So, what have you been up to?
  14. Hey, How's it going? Seems like an eternity since I was last on, haha, so how has things been?
  15. Hey, whats up? long time since I've been on, lol, I bought Fallout 3 and I've been fooling around on that and I was playin FFVII again on my ps1, lol whoot for the classics, lol.
    So hows life?
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