Conversation Between Kooky Spice and Heartless Angel

7 Visitor Messages

  1. That fits in there too, but in percentile that just blows my mind. XD
  2. I always figured it was at least 50% Bullshit o.O
  3. Absolutely!! A debate is 5% fact 5% opinion and 90% confidence for sure. ^_^ No doubt about that.
  4. Oh I know perfectly well when I've lost. But being wrong isn't the only condition for losing a debate lol. Ask any politician, you don't have to know what you're talking about, you just have to convince people that you do!
  5. I feel that that's a good thing, but it is also a good trait to know when you've lost ,not saying that you have cause the present debate could go for quite a while longer with both sides still proving good points. ^_^ keep it up tho this is good!
  6. I always enjoy a good neverending struggle. I'm the type who can be dead wrong, KNOW I'm dead wrong, and still keep going just for the entertainment value lol. Not saying this is true of the present argument, just throwing out there that I NEVER back down from a good debate.
  7. Damn dude you are a hardass when it comes to debate! XD I can't remember the last time I had a good back and forth with someone that didn't involve a bunch of slurs and curses thrown back and forth. It is both stimulating and fun! ^_^
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