Conversation Between tetsu346 and Midori

14 Visitor Messages

  1. ohhh i dont know that leon
  2. not leon from ff leon from tales of lolololol
  3. r u online
  4. Then get money lol
  5. ummm no i dont have money or i mean ther are no swords for me
  6. were both alchemists xp
  7. what ever did u buy something?
  8. you have to buy things using your gil
    go to VBCOMMERCE(next to user cp) and spend your have like 1500 gil.
  9. i dont know how to acces my inventory
  10. lol
  11. ooooooh
  12. you have to have a number of posts
    example: post:5 job:squire
    U right now: post 0 Job: newbie
  13. how i change ma job
  14. Found you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14