Nope sorry the only ppl that have access to that info is the mad turkey beasts.Super ninja speed is the best. A good ninja never tells his secrets....or is that something else? ****in Obama.....I mean what kind of prick runs around in tights trying to "save the world" and whatnot? Shrinky-Dinks are these neat little coloring things that you put in the oven and then KERBLAOWWWWW!!!!! they become tiny. Bunnehs with rabies?! is that where they come with pancakes on their head? Tile flavor sux. Well did you ask them to move nicely?!
Oh that sucks I was hoping for an epic result. Good thing you have super ninja speed powers that could have been costly, you must have rather large pockets to fit the whole wacky waving inflatable arms flailing tube man in it. You definitely get intelligence points for that move though. Yeah I had a nice place on my wall set aside for it and everything then Obama comes in and takes it just because he has a plan to fix things!!!<---anger! What pray tell are shrinky dinks? That is usually the best thing to do with bunnies when you find them your lucky it didn't have rabies! Did you ever ask why he had the pancake on his head? See its a good thing I didn't clean up that soda then all you would have tasted woulda been tile and thats no good. Yeah thats the furry thing! We were supposed to go play fetch but he never showed up so I got worried and went to find him and sure as I'm sitting here he was under that damn alien car! When I asked them to move so I could get my dog they just flipped me off!! I agree Dane Cook is the shit! I think even the aliens and bunny and my late dog would agree.
Tried it, yup yup it just makes a really gnarly mess. At first that bastard cabby tried to but then I quickly used my super ninja speed powers to hide the wacky waving inflatable arms flailing tube man in my pocket. Pretty smart huh? Obama's such a prick!! Always stealing other ppl's thunder. It's like when Einstein stole the idea for shrinky dinks from God. That fukkin bunneh I knew I should have sent him the way of Ol' Yeller when I found him. That pancake on his head just rubbed me the wrong way I saws that and thought to meself "Now what is that bunneh doing with a pancake on his head he has no business with that pancake on his head". Fukkin bunneh. See I knew that floor tasted funny but it was a delicious kind of funny. Oh is that what that furry thing was? I thought they just had tire warmers. Right! I was glad for that cause usually that **** principal never missed an opportunity to give me hell. So I dished it right back. That's cause Dane Cooke is the shit!! ^_^
Awsome my own death ray! The first thing I'm going to shoot is a dead person to see if shooting a dead person with a death ray will start the zombie invaison. Thats a good idea I never would have thought to flag a cab down with one of them, but would the cab driver then charge you for two people? I about did get the Nobel prize for it but they gave it to Prez Obama instead! I don't have to prove anything the bunny turned states evidance and is testifying to seeing you take it. Oh yeah I spilled my soda on the floor earlier I meant to clean it up but forgot looks like I don't need to worry about it now though haha. I wouldn't mind the aliens or their car being in my front lawn if they would just move it off of my dog. Well atleast you didn't get in trouble. I like the Kool-aid guy when Dane cook talks about him that was funny.
They have served their purpose you may have it for the aforementioned price^_^. Lawlz and they always help flag down a cab. OMG that plan is full proof, pure genius even. So simple and so convenient all at the same time. I'm in speechless awe, you should like get the Nobel prize for that . I may have gotten into the liquor but you can't prove nuthin, nor shall you get mah pretteh pink bunneh. Wait!! *falls off stool* This floor tastes funny. The Aliens must be left to roam free in their natural habitat, which currently happens to be that car in yo front yard, Byotch!! Unfortunately no I didn't get paid, but on an up note I didn't get in trouble cause the principal couldn't stop laughing. He thought it was fukkin amazing. I yelled "OH YEAH" cause I was a super huge Family Guy fan back then and I really wanted to do the Kool-Aid Guy wall smash from the first episode. OMFG!! That would have been EPIC!! Hecks yes!!
Did you get extras? I would like one I'll give you $2.50 for it. Man I always wanted a wacky waving inflatable arms flailing tube man they are sure to make any gathering a party!! Ok the plan: step 1) Don't steal rare or indangered animals. Step 2) If you find your self with a rare or indangered animal put it back and refer to step 1. Step 3) Hit your children (open hand in the stomach) (it doesn't leave marks). Step 4) If your children bring you a rare or indangered animal refer to steps 3, 2, and 1. If you need anymore help just ask. I think somebody has been in mommies liquer cabnet. I thought that was the case thats why I called the cops to report an unlicenced driver in my front yard, they should be here shortly to remove them. Yes Cheese wiz is king pwner. Did you get paid for assessting in the removing of the wall? Why the choice of "OH YEAH"? It would be kind of hard to beat you in a debate if you came on stage via jumping threw a wall so smart move on their part for getting you to join.
A whole bunch, there was a death ray super sale! It was posted: ALL DEATH RAYS MUST GO!!! So they did . There was also something about a wacky waving inflatable arms flailing tube man.....I bought 4. You have my attention on your "full proof plan", please tell me there are beatings involved. My mommy says "Beat the little ****ers, that's the only way they'll ever learn." Nothing says "I love you" like a closed fist ^_^. My mommy drinks a lot. Ok I'll try not to think then.....*starts drooling*...Wait here I'll go ask them...The jury is out, and the verdict is: "What in the hell is a driver's license?" That's what they said . We all agree then. Cheez wiz pwnz all!! Yea I get a little crazy at times. I've done some straight up stupid shite, like one time at school in a moment of sheer hyper craziness I jumped through a wall that they were tearing down for more room in one of the classrooms and yelled out "OH YEAH!!" It was great, there was a club meeting going on behind the wall. They just kind of stared at me all freaked out XD. That's how I ended up in Speech and Debate. True story, no joke.
A dollar that’s a good buy how many did you find? It's ok I have a full proof plan to help you stop. Yeah so let’s not try to know what you were thinking I just repainted the walls and I don't want brains all over the fresh paint. Aliens? Do they have a license? I don't think they should be driving. I can see how they would think that as cheese whiz in a can is possibly the best thing ever. Oh, I watched the video on how you got your name and yes yes the name does suit you as you are quit akward (in a good way) hahaha.
ebay fo 1 dolla. I do, I do have a problem I just can't help mysehehelf! Iceland huh? That's so genius that my head would explode if I even began to know what I was thinking about....Oh don't worry about the black car that's just the aliens I promised them cheese whiz in a can. To them it's just as good as protection money ^_^.
Where did you find a large death ray?! Now you know that is exactly what people with a problem always say "I can stop anytime" be honest with yourself that is the only way you can get better. No I didn't tell them where you were I told them I thought you had gotten on a plane to Iceland. You know not to mess with an Indian and his drinking money what were you thinking?! They really seemed pissed I would keep a low profile for a day or two maybe this will blow over. You wouldn't happen to know why there is a black car parked outside would you?! They have been there most of the day.
You don't wanna know. All I'm gonna say is it involved a snorkel, an avocado peel, a large piece of aluminum foil, and a large death ray. Yea I've been directed to Stealing Rare Animals Anonymous (SRAA) but I get nervous in front of large crowds, Plus I don't have a problem. I can stop anytime I want. AS for the injuns you didn't tell em where I was did you? They're really not as pissed about the egg so much as I ripped off their casino.
How did you even get the egg away from the mother Eagle?! I think you need to talk to someone about your need to take animals from the zoo. That’s not healthy. Oh and there was a group of Indians round here earlier asking about someone stealing an egg. They didn't seem happy at all I think one used the word scalp.
I uhh.....*drops bald eagle egg and runs*
That works too. I will have to keep that slap and name calling in mind when my child steps outa line. haha. Oh and in other news some police guys stopped by asking if I knew anything about a penguin missing from the zoo. How did you say you came about getting you penguin on a stick?
I just flushed im and told the kids he beat me and was arrested for drunken indecency they took it hard but then I slapped them and told em to quit being such pussies.......ahhh I love parenting. ^_^