Conversation Between Kaiden and Zargabaath

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  1. If I won the lottery I could get all the books I want plus the bookshelves I desperately need already.
  2. You are hooking me on even more stories, DAMN YOU. I am currently trying to finish up FMA: Brotherhood, read ToM and beat Dragon Age: Origins. Plus Playoff hockey! I did just sign up for Sanderson's blog on Goodreads so I'll start reading his updates on his works. Guess I should go back and read some of his past blog's. I need a month with nothing to do but read everyday. I need to win the lottery so I don't have to work anymore.
  3. I finished the first book in Sanderson's new series - The Stormlight Archive. There is one main character, Kaladin, who is always in each act. There are a few other side characters that are focused on as well. There are also a few interludes that focus on other parts of the world. They may not vital but I can see where he makes the relevant down the line. Some of the interludes also just build the world.

    The Way of Kings isn't like The Eye of the World where there is a defined evil/objective that the characters must accomplish. This book sets the main plot of this series by the end. There are plenty of twists at the end as well and once more I am wanting to know what will happen and some characters true allegiance. Definitely a good premise.

    Interesting thing I found out about Sanderson's own works is that they are all part of the same universe called the Cosmere. It actually reminds me a bit of Final Fantasy. In the Cosmere there is this thing Adonalsium that was broken into 16 shards. These shards provide the energy to create life on different planets and as well as the source of magic.

    Sanderson has said that the Stormlight Archive is not the overarching story of Shardworld (The Cosmere), that is for another major series. So to clear up: Mistborn Trilogy, Elantris, Warbreaker, & Stormlight Archive are all apart of the Cosmere. Mistborn is a trilogy of trilogies. The next book is almost done which will start off the second trilogy. Warbreaker is book 1 of 2, the second being titled so far - Nightblood. Elantris has three books in the series that are loosely connected. After Mistborn: Alloy of Law and A Memory of Light are released he will write 2 books of the Stormlight Archive every 3 years and then write a standalone or sequel to one of the previous series. Then repeat process.

    As for the other Shardworld books he already has a few of them listed:

    The Silence Divine (standalone)
    White Sand (trilogy)
    The Liar of Partinel (Book 1 of 2)
    Dragonsteel (Major epic, won't be written until Stormlight is done)

    I've never heard of an author trying to do something as wide in scope as this. I do think that Dragonsteel may be the overarching story of the Shardworlds. Hopefully he hasn't dreamed to big for the Shardworlds. That he can finish them all and not die or become unable to complete it during this project similar to Robert Jordan.
  4. Haven't read it yet. I have picked up reading again since reading 4 books in January. After I finish this book - Goblin Nation (Dragonlance) - I will be reading the first book in Sanderson's epic series.
  5. How was his opening book in that series? I gotta get on the ball and try to catch up. I always end up reading old books I've already read instead of new ones.
  6. Sucks that the final book is expected in March of 2012. I am awaiting his second book in his epic series "The Stormlight Archive". A lot of books I need to get and still books I have to read.
  7. Well I thought it would take longer than the 3 months it did, and I still thought the last book was comming out this fall. Now its delayed till march of 2012 if not more. Sanderson said he wants to re-read the series before starting and that this will be the most difficult book he has ever written. So I'm not even hopefully for the March release he has set as his goal. I just downloaded all the audio books last night so I might listen to the series(atleast parts of it) one more time after I finish ToM before the last book.
  8. What?! You should have done that after reading the Towers of Midnight. That would have been something to do before the final book is released. I am going to try to do that if I get my necessary reading done.
  9. I didn't actually, I quit about 400 pages in on my first read. I actually wanted to read the whole series before the last book so instead of finishing ToM and going through them all again. I started from the begining of the series back in December. I took a small break from the series to read some Drizzt books I have been putting off, but I actually just started ToM again. I am only about 80 pages in. So I haven't even made it back to where I was. If I actually get some good reading in this weekend I should be able to finish a good portion of it.
  10. Have you finished Towers of Midnight? I cannot wait till the last book. Sanderson has been able, in the two books he's written, have me wanting the next book. He leaves them on such great cliff-hangers, Towers of Midnight's cliff-hanger being even better than The Gathering Storm's.

    All I can say is that Jordan knew how to end the series. From his notes these books have been really good. Back to the early days of the series good. Though I wonder how Jordan would have done them?
  11. I've only gotten like 2 hours to read, chapter 8 or 9 I think. I will finish it this weekend I dont have anything pressing that needs done.
  12. How far are you into the "Towers of Midnight"?
  13. I know that Sanderson's style is different. I just meant is the fragments that he wrote enough to claim him the writer I hope he is? When "The Gathering Storm" came out. they said that Jordan had more of this book written than either of the final two. So Sanderson had to fill the book out and give it a sort of flow. He said he had to go back and change some stuff. That said though, how much was Sanderson just editing what Jordan wrote and how much was his own original work in that book? I picked up Towers of Midnight, only got to read the prologue(got it on my lunch break). I am really excited for this book though. The reviews I have read just made waiting so much harder, that and the fact that I have been waiting 11 months to continue this story.
  14. After reading eleven books of Robert Jordan in "The Wheel of Time" then reading "The Gathering Storm" it is easy to tell that their style are different; Sanderson is not as descriptive as Jordan. Sanderson does create some unique worlds and systems of magic. Another book you should think about of his is "Warbreaker".
  15. I haven't, I bought Elantris just haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I am going to wait and see about Sanderson, I really liked TGS, but I just don't know if that was more Sanderson or Jordan. If I read ToM and Elantris and enjoy both I would certainly look at picking up "The Way of Kings" Though I have been putting off reading books 3 and 4 of the The song of Ice and Fire series. So it would probably have to wait till after those.
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