Conversation Between Jonathanx221 and Fate

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Don't even worry about it if you don't have time. I've been okay, work is stressful. Anyway, about what I said earlier, there was this one time I was a senior in highschool and we had a 13 year old senior at our school as well, I was like.... what? Ahaha. That's crazy. He was so smart he had to go up a few grades.... more than a few. Baha.
  2. Hahaha, why thank you very much! =) I'm a bit annoyed at the moment, but I'm all right. ^_^" How about you?

    Oh, and sorry about the long wait for me to make your banner, but I've been having a lot less motivation and time and ideas and I thought. >.< But I'm sure I'll have it very soon.
  3. I read a lot of your posts and you're a damn smart 14 year old. When I was 14 I was as dumb as a bag of rocks. =\ I envy you. The only thing I knew when I was 14 was how to skateboard. Ahaha. How's life treating you?
  4. Well that's good. Thank you bunches.
  5. Yep, it snows like crazy here. =\ I live in the state of Colorado, in the U.S. =3 Not that great, but it's better than a lot of other states, at least. xD
    And that's wonderful news! =D
    As for the banner, heh-heh, I got myself caught up in my avatars for a little while. ^^' I'll get right to it, then. =)
  6. Just thought I'd let you know, my girlfriend and I are back together. =] And I was curious how the siggy was coming along?
  7. Ohhhh yeah, it was not fun at all. I hated it. Snow? Dang, where do you live? We haven't had snow in like a month! Thank God. It's actually decently warm outside. I love it. Minus the big suit, that triples the heat.
  8. Oh, just wonderful! =D Though, my hands were freezing from playing with snow with my bare hands. xD Hahahaha, you wore that all day long? XD It must have been scorching under that thing!
  9. How is everything going for you? =] Today at work was terrible, I just thought I would share. Ahaha, check out what I wore today at work, it's in the General Chat area.
  10. Oh boy, I went through a phase where I wanted to try other girls, I know, that sounds terrible. I hurt her pretty bad. We both had a rough 6 months without eachother, and now, well, we're talking again. =] I hope she let's the past go, and realizes "Well, he changed, he's a good guy". It really wasn't worth it.
  11. She seems pretty interesting if she does that. xD But aww, ex? How come? =3
  12. Ahaha, thanks. My ex girlfriend would get on me for it. She's an extremely smart girl. =] So basically, if I didn't have school back then, it was her teaching me everything.
  13. *thumbs up for grammar*

    Hiya! =D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13