Conversation Between Heartless Angel and Sera

9 Visitor Messages

  1. I see. Could have sworn you were rping Sephiroth. I'm unfortunately not OC friendly. Thank you anyhow.
  2. I generally do OC, rather than established characters.

    Never liked using IMs, not sure why really.
  3. Could you possibly make an exception for the instant messenger for me? I'll only ask once. It would mean a lot to me because I prefer to receive notifications when I've been replied to.
  4. I am not fully sure that this website permits the content I usually rp with (which is in short, very mature). Plus it's not very mobile friendly, but an attempt shall be made. Am I correct to think that you rp as Sephiroth?
  5. I do not. I generally just use the PM feature here for that sort of thing.
  6. Do you have Skype or some instant messaging thing we can use to chat? I feel it would make it easier, as there isn't really a forum for RP anymore. I have Skype, AIM (regrettably), and kik.

    Hope to hear from you soon. Your eagerness makes me very happy and I'm looking forward to discussing details.
  7. I'm always game. I don't have any active RPs that I'm running at the moment, but if you've got any plans for something I'd be happy to help.
  8. So to say, I have a lot of free time, if you do. I've been looking for RP partners.
  9. Are you still looking for someone to rp with?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9