Conversation Between Heartless Angel and aliera

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. I am srry I think I changed the rp back to first person! I will keep to third person next time!
  2. As a first step to villain design, i like to formulate the evil plan, then build the character around it as a person who would want to implement it.
  3. ok, but I have no idea what to do! I have never been or owned a villian before! (strictly hero) but it might be worth a try!
  4. You may want to implement your own villain, makes it easier for you to influence the story.
  5. oh right ok, but can he show up anyway? as I've mentioned something coming, but it could just be another monster or something!
  6. That's not really within his character, he doesn't care about people enough to spend time and effort bothering one. And he actually wants the Light Warriors to be successful. As the first part of his plan.
  7. no not really, just that as you might've read my post about the frost, maybe he could have made that to deter Aliera and mess with her mind? then he shows up and she thinks she's going crazy because she can hear his voice in her head and no one else can?
  8. Sure thing, thought I'd appreciate if you let me know if there's anything specific you need him to do for story sake.
  9. yeah I guess it does, hey do you mind if I have Abbadon showing up at some point?
  10. As a participant in an RP, generally you use a limited narrative, meaning I can't write about anything unless somebody's character knows about it, or the omniscient narrator has already introduced it. As the leader however you use the omniscient narrative, basically you control the world in addition to your characters. Until you narrate what's going on, I can't react it or take control of the situation without overstepping my boundaries as a participant. When the leader DOESN'T use the omniscient narrative, you usually wind up with everybody off doing their own thing, triggering world events as they see fit whether your intended storyline would allow it or not. As the leader you have to set the boundaries and create the story, if you don't someone else, or everyone else does, and they usually end up making a mess. What I'm working on now is in the limited narrative, I can't control world events, only things about myself, world events are left under your control. So unless you make something happen, nothing is going on with Lailah right now other than a strange feeling and a nightmare. And I'm glad to see you using the third person, it makes your writing flow much better and sound more like a story when read.
  11. ah right cause I was waiting for u to tell me what was going on!
  12. When leading an RP you almost HAVE to use an omniscient narrative. RIght now for example, because your character doesn't know what's gioing on, I have no way to find out, so I'm just posting filler until your character learns what's happening so you can write about it.
  13. I'll try but it might sound wierd just changing tenses like that cause I only change the tenses for Arc so that you can tell it's two different people talking!
  14. You can still do that from third person past, just has to be worded a bit differently,using he or she instead of I, putting thoughts in quotes and such.
  15. thnx for the comment on my story. I prefer to write in the first person as it gives a real sense of what's going on, but if you want I can change tense
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