Conversation Between Heartless Angel and OutlawTorn

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Well I shouldn't say "updated". "Bumped".
  2. H-town. I updated my FF series idea thread yesterday. May be a viable option.
  3. "An analysis of public records, local news reports and Guardian reporting found that 32% of black people killed by police in 2015 were unarmed, as were 25% of Hispanic and Latino people, compared with 15% of white people killed."

    That is a VERY different claim than 32% OF the unarmed kills were black compared to 15% white. One of the two is incorrect. I didn't actually look at the Guardian to see which they said, because I do tend to trust that their numbers are accurate. The bias tends to be in what they attempt to derive from the numbers.

    You presume a motive that doesn't exist. I have no issue with The Guardian that I don't have the the vast majority of news sources. The Guardian is simply one I find myself correcting in debates quite frequently. In general, if a source just provides data, it's usually doing alright. When it draws conclusions, it's generally safe to assume there's a bias, and likely some bullshitting.

    The 3000 number wasn't based on this year. It was a previous year for which complete records are available, and cross references are available to confirm their accuracy. And that trend has also held. On an average year, about twice as many whites are killed as blacks. I think so far this year has been slightly skewed towards blacks, but I don't like to use current years, because it doesn't account for differences that happen regularly at certain times of year. White crime for example tends to be higher towards the end of the year, likely due to the holiday season.

    The point of the latter bit was to discount the thought that blacks have always been humanity's whipping boy and are being treated worse than other races. In fact compared to most other races that have been enslaved, their lives have been a proverbial picnic.

    There is of course racism in society. There always has been and likely always will be. But to suggest that all or even the majority of black cop killings are racist is erroneous. The statistics don't point to a significant level of bias against any race. Individual racists exist in the US. Racist systems do not.
  4. I'm not trying to be an asshole, because you're clearly smarter than me, but I think your dislike of The Guardian (I didn't base anything on that study, I've known about this issue since the 90's, it's undeniable) has clouded your judgement out of the gate.

    464 people have been slain by law enforcement officers this year (nowhere near 3000). Of those 464, 102 were unarmed.

    Now out of those 102 people, 32% were black, 15% were white.

    This is no new revelation. This has been a trend for decades.

    And any data collected and released by the US Government, or theough them, is always considered faulty outside of the US, because it's a well-known fact they withhold and tamper with results and findings in order to polish it up.

    I don't know what your point was, but if it's that racial biased in policing doesn't exist, you can talk about it with Leastwood and Rowan, because I'm done trying to be a voice of the obvious truth.

    Steven Hawkins doesn't say anything for the hell of it. But that was done as a dig at Leastwood, for spending the bulk of that thread ignoring everything I said, posting in reply to me, yet seemlingly as though I hadn't just posted at all.

    A: I'm right.
    B: Well what if?
    A: .... I'm right.
    And so on.
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