Conversation Between Heartless Angel and Oneesan

49 Visitor Messages

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  1. It sounds delightfully evil! *nods* Tons of fun!!!
  2. I usually troll with actions when I do it to pug groups. I like grabbing trash mobs in the middle of bosses, or taunting bosses off the tanks. Anything I can do to force other plays to die lol.
  3. I live in the middle of nowhere, so face to face is slightly difficult.

    Meh... I always take it too far and get in trouble. Some people just can't take a joke. I tried to go and play with the twilight psychos on one of their forums and was banned on the same day that I registered. All I did was disagree... I didn't even use my naughty words. teehee
  4. Well, I usually like a mix of online interaction and face to face. Relying on face to face alone is too infrequent, but on the reverse side, online just isn't the same.

    Besides, without interent I wouldn't be able to troll pug groups on wow. And I do so love trolling pug groups =D
  5. That is too true. I know I wouldn't want to live very much longer without the internet. How else would I find out that my little sister just got drunk and made a fool of herself? Go and visit her??
  6. Technology alleviates much boredom. It's no wonder people's lifespans used to be so much shorter, no reason to stick around any longer lol.
  7. Now you're starting to sound like me. Boredom seems to stick around a bit too often for my tastes. :/

    Thank goodness for technology!
  8. Suprisingly, I'm bored almost all the time. Probably because I get used to things like that.
  9. I can only imagine. You must not be bored often.
  10. It offers entertainment at times lol.
  11. That is freakin' awesome!!! I haven't laughed that hard in days. Nice!!! Your luck rocks!!
  12. Once I walked into a restaraunt, door still closing behind me, I literally just walked in, I get a phonecall, hear a friends voice nearby in addition to through the phone, so I look around to find her, I see her. She was calling to see if I wanted to meet her for lunch, so I just kinda walked up behind her, hung up the phone, put a hand on her shoulder and say "sure thing". Think she about pissed herself I scared her so bad XD

    That's my luck.
  13. You are just lucky then. haha

    I actually considered leaving the forums for a while, but that would be much to boring. I just wish I had more time to randomly chat with people. Can't win 'em all, I guess.
  14. I can imagine, I do that on occassion as well, but showing up at random right as they start is usually the norm for me.
  15. I have the opposite problem and always miss conversations by a few minutes. It gets a bit annoying after a while.
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