Conversation Between Heartless Angel and CloudTide

12 Visitor Messages

  1. thanks for joining my group heroes of Hyrule
  2. that'd be for the best.
  3. well i just wait till ur guy wakes up the next morning or sumthing
  4. well, my character is currently shit faced drunk in Arc's war room.
  5. well Magi had an idea that my chartacter thinks ur character is Arc and confronts Lucian instead then yeah.
  6. Not a problem, I've guided tons of people who'd never written anything in their life through RPing, I'm used to simple mistakes like that.
  7. yeah im just gonna delete it and input it somewhere else
    thanks for bearing with me though
  8. Not a problem, you may just want to redo your intro though, we kinda ignored that post and moved on since we weren't sure what was going on with it. You may still be able to make it work, but it'dflow more smoothly if you just introduced your character all over.
    ok well ill change that to make sense with Magi's character
    yeah i was confused
  10. No, you seem to be the only one confused. You quoted something I said, but stuck Arc's name to it. He's not the one who feels like he's suffocating, that's me. You responded to me, when I'm not the character you're tyring to talk to.
  11. yeah thats why i said my character came in threw the window
    it seems we're all confused about this lol
  12. Cloud... I'm not Arc <.< you kinda supplemented Arc for my character while quoting something I wrote, Arc went back inside lol.
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