Conversation Between Heartless Angel and Dodie16

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. You probably would've been waiting a while lol. And that's not a probelm with me. I'm generally prettly laid back, since I didn't really have an opinion, I would've just gone with the flow anyways.
  2. No problem! I was actually going to wait until you posted your thoughts about it in the SG before making the club, but I got kind of impatient I guess...

    Sorry that I didn't wait for your input beforehand, but I'm glad you're still interested in staying a member!
  3. Thanks for the update, I've never really looked into the club section, so this'll be a learning opportunity.
  4. Hey Heartless. I know you said you'll be inactive from the LPers of TFF social group for a while, but there's a discussion going on about moving out of the social group and becoming a club on the forum! Just dropping by to let you know, and if you have any input on the matter, I'd love to hear it!
  5. I think I had a, pretty good time... judging by the fact that I found a trashcan full of empty bottles and don't remember it. Sounds like it was a good party lol.
  6. It was your birthday yesterday?!?! Well, happy belated birthday to you! Hope you had a good one!
  7. Well, part of the reason htere are so many Sephiroth haters, are because there are so many Sephiroth fanboys/girls. There are several different types of fans for most things, but Sephiroth really only has two types. The extremely analytical types, like us, who look very deep into the character and their effects in their world. Then the others (who make up the overwhelming majority unfortunately) who are responsible for the haters are your typical, "OmG H3Z HAWT 4ND S7R0nG OMG RoXoRZ" type that even annoy me when they're on my side <.< antyhing with fans like that is doomed to develop just as many haters.
  8. I doubt that the opposition will ever respect Sephiroth as a character, but you have a point about them respecting our opinion about him. Maybe one day they'll let go of their contempt of Sephiroth fans, but that may be hoping a bit too much. ;P
  9. Told ya that last one I showed you was nowhere near my best lol. Best way to carry on debates like this is to go at it in a Rogerian way. Concede the small points, then overwhelm the main ones after the opposition has come to respect your opinion lol.
  10. I agree with Alther. You are certainly an impressive debater, sir. If I could give you more "thanks" points, I would, but I have to spread them around before giving them again, so consider this a more "out in the open" type of thank you.

    I am going to add a bit to your argument, because it's something that I think should be brought out in the game, particularly how Kuja's planet didn't shoot out magical bursts of energy to save itself.
  11. It's that time! Time to make sure that Sephiroth makes it through the villains elimination! Hope you'll be there to support him!
  12. Well, I'm not nesscessarily GOOD at making banners and signatures, but I do it for fun anyways. But, I suppose there's nothing to lose by participating with a bad entry, so i may give it a go.
  13. You make signatures? That's cool! We have banner contests around here sometimes, and it would be great to get some new competitors to enter.

    I like that cool purple color that you switched to a lot better. It works well and it's easier to read the stuff in the boxes now. I think this is definitely a winner!
  14. I think we have a winner... maybe. Still a bit hard to read in some places, but so is any color that won't kill the whole sceme of the profile unfortunately. That's the problem with using an entire half of a spectrum in a background like that lol.
  15. yeah, the grey does blend in a bit too much. I have this issue when I make signatures and crap all the time, I like the colorful abstract backgrounds, but then there's really no color that ISN'T impossible to read over at least part of it >.< I'll screw around with text colors for a while lol.
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