Conversation Between Heartless Angel and nix

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Aye its a speyside, high in the Grampian mountains though, but yeah defo worth a shot, and not too pricey either. I paid €55, which is my usual price range as im a poor git
  2. Speyside I believe? I usually like speysides. Might have to give it a try.
  3. I thought you should know i recently purchased and just finished a bottle of Dalwhinnie 15yr, its was bloody great, may just be my new go to...Though I've to go to a specialist to get it which isn't nearby
  4. I do love the song too, the amount of thought gone into the album is amazing, it has 8 songs with 5 different sections, its the 8th album with 5 members, its their 8th album and they former in 1985 and so on

    haha Its great!

    Love DT!
  5. Octavarium in particular was an amazing song, and a lot of the other songs individually weren't that great, but the album as a whole really pulls together the theme of the album, endings leading in to beginnings. Fun fact, every song on the album ends with the same note that the next songs begins on. Even the album art contributed to that underlying theme. Octavarium just kind of wrapped the whole theme up with it's ingenious usage of the same things. So, short version, I like more than just the music. The whole delivery was very well thought out, and that appeals to me.
  6. Is it the song Octavarium that makes it your top choice of DT album or do you love the entire album? I've always loved the song but the rest of the album paled in comparison, much like The count of tuscany with black clouds a silver linings. Not saying the other songs on the album are crap, just not on the same level of those songs...
  7. Anymore I'm not a fan or most Irish whiskeys. I like the fact that they're all triple distilled, but the unmalted barley flavor just kinda overpowers the more subtle flavors I look for in my whiskey. But for a while, that was my drink. I could it decently cheap too, just because I had a buddy with a costco membership, a 1750 would only set me back 30 bucks. I get my Red Label there for the same price. Little more costly than some similar quality bourbon, but not enough to make me not want to go for the scotch instead.

    JD has always been a favorite of mine. I have to do Gentleman or Single Barrel now though, just because I've gotten used to really high quality drinks. I should clarify, I have to START with higher quality drinks, when I can't taste some of the more subtle flavors anymore, I switch to cheap shit and can't tell the difference anymore. That's when I hit the red label, cheap bourbon, that kinda shit. If I get REALLY ****ed and can't even taste that anymore, I switch to shitty vodka. If I'm mixing I'll start with the mid-quality stuff, gotta make the good shit last =P
  8. I cant drink Jameson anymore, have been on too many benders on the stuff (i'm from ireland so its cheap stuff here) and have had too many horrid hangovers on the stuff. JD i can only drink with a chaser, coke preferred, without its horrible stuff, did you know JD is actually a welsh recipe?
  9. Never really messed with weed, or any hard drugs. Too lazy to screw around with illegal shit when I can just buy booze when I'm getting groceries. I started on cheap vodka, and went through a rum phase, then started on whiskey, but wasn't really committed to it yet. The turning point was when I celebrated the first pay check of a new job with a bottle of Jameson. From there, I couldn't really get anything out of anything less than top shelf whiskeys. I've tasted plenty of bourbons, most of em aren't anything to write home about, Jack daniels was my comfort drink for a while, I still enjoy it. Didn't really start to turn into a whiskey connoisseur until I decided to try Gentlemen Jack, that's when I really started to realize the difference some extra age and extra distilling made, that's when I really started researching my drinks before I bought em. Based on my research, scotch seemed right up my alley. Haven't really gone back since by first bottle of Black Label. Scotch is good.
  10. I'll put Laphroaig at the top of my list, nice one! I always spend way too much time looking for what to get next and it usually just ends up with a blind choice/hope, none of my friends drink scotch really and i only really get into it when i stop with the weed, which is now going to be a permanency for health reasons, so I'll be looking to scotch more
  11. Talisker is good shit, a nice smokiness to it. If I didn't know it was an island scotch, I'd guess it was an Islay. I've never really been big on highland malts, most of em are too fruity for me. Glenlivet isn't bad, I wish it had a little more peat to it, but that's what you get with a speyside. Laphroaig 18 year is my favorite single malt. Never had anything older, but older is generally better. Some day when I'm old as shit and don't expect to live much longer, I'm gonna go find some ridiculously overpriced 60 year old shit. That'll be my last drink.
  12. I'll check it out, my favs for me at the mo (which i can afford) would be Talisker and Glenmorangie (both 10 year), Talisker probably the better, its got a nice peppery taste to it, which just makes it go down so smooth.

    I'm currently working on a bottle of Glenlivet at the moment which isn't the best, not bad but i won't be getting it again..
  13. Honestly, I like the double black better than the Platinum label. I love the smoke. With single malts, it's gotta be Islay for me. Laphroaig in particular.
  14. Glad to see a fellow scotch enthusiast, although I'm not fond of the Johnnie walker, i have only properly tasted red and black, although i was given a glass of expensive Johnnie walker at a wedding in Brazil last year, the colour eludes me and i was unable to properly appreciate it as i was very very drunk, the double black does sound better though, the extra smokiness could just be what it needs for me to like, i always felt there was something missing from Johnnie walker red/black whenever i was drinking it.

    But I'm more of a single malt kind of guy as my experience goes
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