Conversation Between Copperfire and Rhaps

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. be active and stuff again, I miss our chats lol
  2. Online. On again off again. But I guess I've always been like that. Next week, though, it'll be mostly because I have a few extra shifts, and not just because I'm obsessed with playing D&D online.
  3. O HAI
    I guess this means you're online again? Welcome back lol
  4. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooord up?
  5. Heya.
  6. Hello!
  7. It's okay. The gameplay can be a bit unbalanced at times though.
  8. Never played it but it looks great lol
    My friends like to make ref. in school that I don't get from it, so I take vengeance with FF ref.
  9. I'm okay. I've been obsessed with the Elder Scroll Oblivion lately, so I haven't been here much.

    I might be on more often next week though, since I've beaten the main quest. But then again, I've been thinking of playing a new character.

    I kind of cheated with my Dunmer character, and I'd like to play the next character without any cheats whatsoever.

    How about you?
  10. When did you log on? damn I missed it lol
    In case you are on now, how are ya?
  11. see ya then! lol
  12. Sorry about the no show last night. My internet went kerplunk. I'll chat with you again in about three or four days or so.
  13. ooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkk lol
  14. Hiya. Heh. I'll be posting again later on, and a little tomorrow. I just started a game of Neverwinter Nights 2, so I'll be playing that some. Plus it's dinnertime. C ya.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 38
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