Conversation Between Copperfire and final fantacy_tifa

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. I wouldent rally call it a farm....we do have 12 horses but its no farm..its more like a ...well idk
    But my mom saves horses from going to slaughter n stuff
    We can't take in anymore...don't have enough room..but yea
    Personly I don't like horses..but my mom was raised around horses n love them..I was raised around horses but I hate
  3. *blinks* 12 Horses? You live on a farm?
  4. Tee hee I got 12 horses know>< BEAT THAT
  5. Heehee.
  6. ...Dork
  7. ^.^ Aww.
  8. Lol hehe I has baby bunnies and there baby babie bunies
  9. I've done that. Mostly with the Sims 3. I'd keep thinking I'll just do one more thing, then I'll go to bed.
  10. Yep n the latest I've stayed up Is all night><
    Its funny cus that day I go the hole day with out feeling tired till night nits again lol
  11. >.< Ouch. Not good.
  12. Ah
    Yea I've been real tired to bussyyy bussyy busssy^^
    Lol so when ever I do get a break I go on computer (not sleep)
    The longest I've good with out sleep is 1week and 2 days then I passed out in the kitchen
  13. I haven't been sleeping well lately, which is why I haven't shown up in a while. I really need to get my own place, but I don't have enough for a downpayment on a house yet.
  14. lol ya maby idk thow so wut uv been up to?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 21
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