Conversation Between Cloudluver101 and Ethan Blitzball King

133 Visitor Messages

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  1. Kingdom Hearts was a totally awesome series and I cant wait for Birth By Sleep to come out.
  2. Heh yeah he thinks that i should love the games I like KH it was a good game but FF I am not tha big a fan of it
  3. wow!! That would be a cool job for me....yeah i can understand why he'd get mad
  4. He works on the side branch of Square Enix
  5. lol yeah I have a friend who would do the same thing.
  6. You know my brother would probably die if he saw me doing this with FF
  7. oh that bites
  8. Niether did I but Lightning is like cloud and she has the same kind of enemy
  9. really? god i didnt expect this from Square-Enix
  10. Well it basically has the same as 7
  11. oh i dang sure dont want that game now. Any game with a bad story is useless to me.
  12. Ummmm yeah it is pretty bad as a story
  13. wow that bad huh?
  14. I would give it a 2
  15. ah. I saw a rating that said it only got 6 out of 10
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 133
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