Conversation Between fierytempest and Dodie16

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Ha, I'll keep that in mind. I don't know if I'll ever even get to try it, because my mom's allergic to gluten, so we never by cake mix and such. D:
  2. For the jello, just mix it like you would usually make jello, except use only one cup of water, and not two. When you have the mix dissolved well, add in one cup of strawberry soda.

    I also should mention if you want to do the french vanilla whipped frosting like I mentioned in my post, you need to make the vanilla pudding as you normally would prepare it (I use instant), and then you fold in the whipped cream (one small tub of cool whip). If you mix the cream and pudding together, the cream would just turn back into a liquid form and will not work well.
  3. Okay, I know I'm sounding like a creeper who's seriously into sweets, but how do you make that cake?

    Or rather, what's the exact mixture of jello and soda?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3