Conversation Between Trodorne and loaf

4 Visitor Messages

  1. What does being a NE War have to do with that. The lightsaber swords. If you got lucky and got the sword right before a server crash back in the old old days. When the server comes back up you are rolled back. You have the weapon but the quest isn't completed yet. You turn it in again and you have two of them.
  2. wait... dual wield argent avengers? are you a night elf warrior?
  3. at least basch was that more of an interesting character with the whole twin brother was a judge sort of thing.
  4. The thing with Vaan and Pinelo is who they represent in the story. They represent the people who get effected by the conflicts of War. Yes they weren't that great but they were put in near the end of the game when they didn't want Basch being the main character. As characters those 2 lack stuff, but it's more towards who they represent.
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