Conversation Between Tydis and Dranzer

11 Visitor Messages

  1. I found the manga the anime did give a me a complete understanding all I understood was porn and robot girls gonna start reading it on sunday
  2. Well damn. I hope you like it, but the manga's so much better. I got the anime after I read the series and was really, really disappointed.
  3. I found the animation Chobits off the youtube channel "Funimation" the have the whole season crazy eh?
  4. Oh, now that you would have to google lol.
  5. Amazon eh! I wonder if they don't have it it would surprise me to see something they don't have I would just flip out and just start laughing. but I will not purchase it I want to know they have it online manga or something
  6. Oh that's not why I mentioned they were an all female group, I was just providing background information; they're extremely talented women.

    && Sailor Moon, what?! I loved that show too lol. As for finding the manga, I used to get them from Suncoast, the movie store, but I think they've long gone out of business. I'd check Amazon, you could probably find all of them on there. There's an anime of the series too, but I didn't care for it, the manga's WAY better.
  7. I don't care about female groups making it because it could be a female that made stuff like dbz, and one piece and lied saying that a "he" created it besides I used to watch sailor moon if that was girlish as hell and I can watch it surely this would be no problem so will check it out so where can I find the official anime or manga?
  8. LOL. It's Chi from Chobits - an older manga (the first one I read and the only one I really liked, as I'm not really into the whole anime/manga business anymore). I read it back in like seventh grade, agesss ago. I was feeling nostalgic when I played with photoshop, thus the creation of my signature/avatar set.

    You should check it out, it's a cute story, kind of girly though so I don't know if it would be your thing or not. If not, you would at least appreciate the art. The series is by CLAMP, an all female comic artist group, thing. I don't know the politically correct term to call them by so we'll just go with that.

    Anyway, that's the end of my explanation/rant.
  9. really attracted to your avatar evertime I look at it other than that I am just dandy so I wanna ask you what is your avatar? I have never seen it before
  10. Haha, don't you love it when that happens? No problem, new friend requests are always cool. . And how are you?
  11. wow I did not know I added you anyways thank you for accepting my request TFF compdra.
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