Conversation Between Rhaps and CloudTide

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. ahh i see
  2. Working to death lol
  3. come
  4. Kinda tired lol
  5. oh haha sorry for not answering earlier on that RP subject
    it kinda died after no one posted for like a month so yeah i guess ur a little late
    ill be starting a new RP soon and u can join that one
    anyway im good and u?
  6. Guess not lol
    Anyway, what's up?
  7. Hey, I know you said four members in the Chronicles of Magnum, but is there another slot to fill? lol I'd love to join
  8. thanks for the gil bro
  9. Happeh no longer a fetus day!
  10. ah yes and im very happy
    pretty interesting that u call it "no longer a fetus day" though
  11. Your birthday!
  12. Really?
    Whats that?
  13. Your no longer a fetus day draws near-eth
  14. Yerrrrrrrrr
  15. woah man that Zelda timeline video you posted was really helpful
    good thing i didnt start with the first Zelda
    i started with Ocarina of Time
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 19
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