Conversation Between Rhaps and Fate

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Do you add an amp;lt ;3 everyday or something? lol
  2. Yeah, good advice, sorry for totally destroying your points again, I'm not voting anymore to avoid wrecking stuff lol
  3. I'm all right with the PSP's loading speed for the most part, it's the just the stupid memory and typing on it. T.T You're limited and it's hard to type. For loading, though, I usually cancel half-way and the rest loads fine; it's just the images don't show up.
  4. I know how ya feel on the psp lag-load, had a lot of problems with it. . . Which I seem to be having now as I keep doing things incorrectly -.- damned glitches, first Sin now you. . . bleh, maybe I should get a typist
  5. Good day sir Kyle's Chocobo!
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