Conversation Between yuki and Yesha

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi! Thanks! I've been fine.. ;-)
  2. hi welcome back
    how youve been??
  3. Yeah.. it works now.. hehe! Oh yeah.. yuki! Now I remember you.. you're definiteLy an anime Lover since you joined our cLub (Anime Fanatics CLub), right? I didn't recognise you that fast enough.. since you're no longer active on our cLub.. :-( What happened?
  4. sorry technical problem i think ??
    maybe it well work now
    and yeah im anime big fan......
  5. yahoo yesha just got back online =___=,
    thanx for joinig me 2 your family ^___^
    do you wana be friends ilike having anime loving friends
    looking forward 2 your answer....
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5