Conversation Between Diyala and Ethan Blitzball King

458 Visitor Messages

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  1. I see someone is silently back O_O
    Welcome back !
    I still remember the long username you have : )
  2. Haha thanks hun I am trying to be more active
  3. Ethan ! Nice to see you are back !
  4. Great couldn't be better
  5. ahahaha now I got it ^^
    sorry I thought you were really in Masor hehe fool me
    you should have told me you like using proverbs
    and how are you now ?
  6. Were you spending your vacation there ? or is it for business or something?
  7. Oh its how I speak at times its kinda like a japanese proverb but in a way not I have been good exhasted most of the time but alive and good
  8. Oh long time no see, what was that about? did you end up in Masor haha don't steal anything from there ok ^_^ kidding! I bet you became like a tomato but guess what it's wonderful there compared to here coz you gonna be a roaste Ethan here hahaha
  9. Its been a long road Himi but now I know what true hardships are fighting for survival in the barren deserts of egypt made me realize life is full of beauty all you need to do is open your eyes
  10. Later Asma
  11. same here ,, I will have to inform u when I get a chance to play
  12. No I wanna though
  13. have you played the new games of ffIII
  14. Its good alot of tired labor
  15. hahahah I'm apparently making investigation , heh sorry just to make the conversation on
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 458
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