Conversation Between Diyala and Zargabaath

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  1. What are your views on a government you wanna have ? and does the result mach people's expectations or do you think the voting is unfair or there was some kind of bias to Obama's side ? Do people have a strong voice that can change and exchange or things are previously settled and the voting was just a procedure to convince the world we did it ?
  2. I have a very different view of government than compared to our re-elected president. However, I did not care for Romney either. Both promote big government, just big government in certain areas. I was disappointed that it did not take long to find out who won. I was looking forward to it being drawn out and full of drama.
  3. I heard that the previous president is becoming new again , what are your views on that ?
  4. I hope you get that I was talking generally and not defending , I'm even not expert in these relations and I haven't tried any but it has to be like anything in life ;a mixture of bitter and sweet..
    Something that's bound by love , that great thing that makes us ready to bear , go through alot and sacrifice as much as we can to protect it but in case it get's cold and fragile through time then we can be free to find it somewhere else and live it with someone else again .
    Yeah ..that is happening here , too but I believe once you are ready then go for it and not before .
  5. It is not that hard to find a guy married at my age, some are even younger. Depending on where they live it may or may not take a lot of money. Of course if it is a cheap area, the medium income for that area probably won't be high. A big factor is the job they have for that will affect how difficult their financial status.

    She was wanting me to propose to her, but where I was in life I knew I was not ready to go into a marriage and support her properly. Along that, her future was bleak and I didn't want to be the only one bringing in money. She said ahe could be a "great" house wife, however, she is horrible in the kitchen. So I decided to cut my losses, whichwere huge, and break it off.

    So she ends up with her assistant manager, who was married at the time. His wife left shortly after and now my ex is a few days away from giving birth. Not exactly a good improvement. From what I gathered she had to take leave from her job because of the pregnancy and they were barely making due with their bills. So how they did it when she wasn't working I know not. I kind of got in an argument with her a while back and we haven't talked since.
  6. It's seems complicated to me ..these affairs ..I don't know but I don't blame girls when they tend to be more serious in their lives and wish to build families.You seem nice and will find the one you want : )

    I might ask , do ppl find it normal for guys in your age to get married ? Does it need alot ?financially I mean
  7. Mojo in that context would be desire or groove of things.

    Exactly on about not being married. Unfortunately, shortly after leaving her, she wound up pregnant by her boss, who I believe is still technically married to someone else (last I heard). Though she probably views it more favorably, having wanted a family of her own for some time. She was nudging me to propoae to her, and I would have at the right time but things happened that cause that not to occur.
  8. Haha don't be flattered
    But I highly respect those who tend to be cultivated : )
    what's this mojo by the way ?
    Oh that sounds bad about your relationship , still you're not married and your future awaits u
  9. Why thankyou.
    I skimmed through that argument a while back. I think I've lost some of my argumentative mojo. Which kind of coincided with my relationship deteriorating. Mind you, I broke up with her last November. But it seems I am not as fiery as I once was.

    Colonialism was definitely not a the best of times for the West. A lot that went wrong.
  10. Sounds great !
    I can see that somehow I have been blessed by meeting you
    Texas ha ! I really don't know alot about the difference coz I believe I almost admire your world with its slightest details , so no matter how cites are different in your view they are much more civilized than ours . I like alot of systems there that we tragically lack though oil is flowing from under our feet !
    Capitalism ! haha that reminds me of a heated argument in here and I was shocked how ppl show the unjustified hate against the other they don't know
    A couple of days ago I visited the bookstore and bought a new book about the history of colonialism that I haven't started reading yet but so excited to begin
  11. I'm doing fairly well & it has been quite some time since we last talked. I have just recently returned to TFF from a 2-month absence. Work got in the way. Mentioning that I got a new job in Texas, quite a move from Virginia. For non-fiction I have a lot of philosophy & some history. Right now I am reading about World War I, which is very informative, and after that I'll be reading about the success of capitalism in America during the second half of the 19th century.

    I can understand how you feel in regards to your co-workers. I don't enjoy having those types of people in my work environment as they perpetuate mediocrity.
  12. Hello old fellow...
    how are you ?
    I finished reading the twilight a couple of days ago ^_*
    I think I once said that I should tell u once I do : )
    I might want to ask , what are the non fiction books you read ?
    I think my bookshelf contains alot of fiction in both languages and some other academic books , still history and politics don't enjoy a great deal of it -_-
    I also learnt to make a reading list that I finished in the past week 3 other books moving to the great novel of Tess by Thomas Hardy.

    What about you? I haven't heard from you in a while
    As for me , I got a new job , officially now a teacher in public not private schools , alot of money + alot of work+ alot of pain !
    I like the money and work part but not the pain's kinda sickening when u know that those whom u work with HATE u coz u are BETTER than them .
  13. I think when learning any new language at first it sounds like people pronunciate quickly. I know I would feel the same when hearing arabic. When I took french, the teacher sounded like she was speaking fast but in reality it was normal. There are some people who are naturally fast while others are very slow.
  14. Everything in your language is - with all respect - quickly pronounced and abbreviated ,but you are somehow not the kind of guys that I think would speak so fast and rashly .The pronunciation symbols we studied differ from the one you're using , its the same as Oxford Dictionary displays it but I got you about the R .

    sorry for the delay
  15. Well with "often" that is just accent. Some people may pronounce the "t", others may softly say it. Take the word "park" for example. Officially pronounced as - pärk (using English pronunciation symobls), however people from Boston say it quite differently. The " ä " turns more into an " ă ". And the "r" is rushed making it sound like "pack", but with an "r" quickly audible.
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