Hello sir , how've you been ? Long time no see
I'm fine ,thanks me ? avatar? hahaha well, who knows !
Yeah, it has, hasn't it? =3 I'm doing terrific, thanks for asking~ =] And how about yourself? Is that you in the avatar?
Hi Fate Wow It's been long time ! how are you ?
Was it coconut? <3 I've been wonderful up until toady, when my schoolwork kicks in. >< Plus I'm feeling so light-headed. XX How about you?
hah not much , my sis made me sweet one how have you been ?
Did you have lots of cake? =)
Thanks Fate ^_________^
Himi, happy birthday! =D
donno what to say to u ^_____^ but things will be better soon sir
That's great, though. =3 Hahaha, can't be one to judge your own writing, I guess? xD
I'm great mmmm my writings ...donno >_<
Hi to you, too! How are you? =) Getting better at all your writings? =D
just wanted to say Hi Teacher ^_^
Of course, it's poetry. =D XD And a haiku is a type of Japanese poem that usually (but not always) has three lines. The first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables. They're also usually (but again, not always) written about nature. ^_~