Conversation Between bahamuts heir and Insufficient Mage

9 Visitor Messages

  1. New day = new chance to get cake. ;]
  2. No.... But today is a new day
  3. Jerks! You should fill their shoes with pudding. So did you get cake?? xD
  4. Kinda crappy, I got an extra quiz cuz the people in my class wouldn't shut up, but that's it.
  5. Oh yeah, exactly a month huh? Coolies! So how'd your birthday go? Did you get a cake?
  6. We are close friends here on the forums and were twins(really we are off by a month btw)
  7. Yuppers! You know him?
  8. Thx, you're a friend of kyle's right?
  9. Happy birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9