Conversation Between Ethan Blitzball King and Asectic

7 Visitor Messages

  1. happy birthday
  2. Thanks curtosey of Dodie 16
  3. oooh, nice background. very bright :]
    oh and its okay. Im the one that mostly forgets to post back LOL
  4. Hello how are you sorry about the contact problem
  5. hahahahhaha my favorite part was in the thunder plains when rikku is scared and she runs over to tidus' leg and begs for them to stop and rest that was a funny part
  6. LOL! By your personal message I can tell
    Anyways, hi :]
    Ooh, a FFX fan arent you? That series was the first of FF I ever played. What was your favorite part of the game?
    I like how the game's played but I can't say I play it that much anymore. D:
  7. hiya im the king of blitzball do you play blitzball????
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7