Conversation Between Insufficient Mage and OceanEyes28

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. D'aawww. I try. I'm glad you found a place here.
  2. A sweet gesture nonetheless! You sure know how to make an adopted girl feel special.

  3. Not like you need it.
  4. Awww pimpin' me out in your signature! I love you.
  5. I know how that is! My friends and I only just briefly talked about our plans yesterday, but we'll likely be all over the place and confused like every year. What are you gonna be? I'm gonna be Buzz Lightyear, haha. It was a very random decision. I was talking with my friend, and I told her, "...You know, I kinda wanna be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween."
    "Dude. I have a Buzz Lightyear costume."
    But yeah, so she's letting me borrow it. Its a bit loose but its wearable. We plan on trick-or-treating like we do every year. I look young enough to actually pull it off, but if I go with my friends, we get the whole, "Aren't you a little old to be trick-or-treating" comments, which is pretty understandable since we probably are. xD
    Oooh, I didn't know you lived in a haunted city. A ghost tour sounds really fun actually! Have you been on one before?
  6. Lord, haha, I don't know. I've been so busy I've hardly planned. But I knew I would be, so I already have a costume. I think I'm going to go on a ghost tour. I am living in the most haunted city in the South, after all. Other than that, no idea. What about you?
  7. Ah, that makes sense. Mystery solved!

    So what are you doing for Halloween? I can't believe its just in a couple days...
  8. Haha yeah, pretty much. We didn't always have Visitor Messages, so people would use User Notes and they'd usually be longer than VMs and very complimentary (which was pretty nice), but sometimes conversational. But then we got VMs so now User Notes are especially used for just telling someone they're a badass.
  9. Oh oh! But, believe it or not, there is one thing somewhat unique to this forum that I haven't seen anywhere else. I don't know how significant it is, but what exactly are User Notes? From what I've gathered, they seem like additional ways to tell someone how awesome they are. Would that be accurate? xD
  10. You bet. All true.
  11. Hey! Its great to hear from you again! Yup, I seem to be faring just fine around here, so no need to worry about not being around often, at least not for my sake. Little ones grow up so fast, don't they? =P

    Haha, I envy the mere fact that you even got exercise! You know the last time we talked, and I was sick with the flu? Yeah, still sick. Not with the flu anymore, but now its a sinus infection, and it was one after the other, so I've been at home in bed for nearly four weeks now. And then, this past Saturday, I walked downtown to the arcade to try and get some much-needed exercise (played some DDR), and I'm thinking that wasn't the best idea to just jump into it like that. Now in addition to the sinus infection, I can't even walk because my legs are so sore. xD Alright, that's enough of my complaining. And honestly, its been nice being home a lot, because I get to catch up on things I was always too busy for. I took up drawing regularly again!

    Aaaaand that's how I've been lately! Sick but happy nonetheless. It'll take more than illness to bring me down!
  12. Hey there. I still feel bad about the timing of my Internet limitations, but at least I know you're no stranger to forums or the English language. How have you been?

    Myself, I've been dealing with a lot of obligations, but it's mostly stuff I enjoy. I am unfortately really tired today (restless sleep last night) so my obligations to myself are getting blown off tonight. I was going to try a new yoga class this evening, but I did an hour of it outside today, and I didn't order Chinese like I wanted (sandwich instead) so... no guilt. Only justification.

    And that's how I am. Now you.
  13. That's so weird! I was just a kid when it was made, and now I'm an... *Cringes* ...Technically.

    The flu is just the worst, isn't it? I'm sorry you had to deal with this year as well. I mean, at least I've got reading material, anime, and plenty of games I've been meaning to finish to keep me occupied, but its kinda hard to enjoy that stuff when you have to take a break from it every so often due to headaches. xP

    Glad to hear "Operation: Move In" has went smoothly for the most part! How long does it take to cancel an account? Not long I hope. Also, good luck with the washer/dryer thing... *Remembers back to when mine broke* Oh God, the piles of laundry were everywhere...
  14. This site has been around since 1999. That freaks me out, I don't know about you.

    Glad you've had reading material during your bout with the flu. I hate that for you. I had it this last January and it was shitty in every way. I swear to god at one point I was gray/green. I hope you get over it soon. I drank a lot of fresh carrot juice and ACV (when I could stand to smell it). My voice wasn't the same for a month (but I also got a secondary infection and had to take a round of antibiotics). And I hope you haven't barfed (too much).

    I am moved in, but the guy who lived here last never cancelled his comcast account so I have to do it for him before I can set my own up. And my punkass washer/dryer unit isn't working. But overall, the last few days have been pleasant.
  15. Aw don't worry about it, s'all good in the hood! I'm happy just to hear from ya'! And wow, seven years? I didn't even realize this place has been around that long. Time really flies, doesn't it?

    Heheh, thank you! I'm glad to be among you guys, I've already gotten to know some awesome people. Plus, there are some pretty interesting topics around that I've given a read!

    Unfortunately the last couple of days I've been fighting off the flu, but I try not to let that get me down. So other than that I've been great! Its kinda nice having so much time off from work, but I kinda really need the money right now so its rotten timing. xD How about you? Are you all moved in yet?
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