Conversation Between xXCloudXx and Unknownangel

62 Visitor Messages

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  1. Dued it been a while all the rookies are caching up to us on the posts and stuff. And also when will you come back?
  2. Hey man hows life going? It been a while.I hope we see you soon.
  3. Dude I forgot about the wedding! Did you have it? How it go? And CONGRATULATIONS!
  4. hey man your worrying me and the other whats up?
  5. Hey man!
  6. Hey whats going on over there?
  7. UA says goodbye guy's. She had to go.
  8. Are your cats immortal?
  9. Well... Ummm. Angel....I killed your other cat.. He tried to kill me first...Sorry
  10. Kill the f****** cat!!!!!! He's crazy!!!!! Omg he"s tryng to kill me!!!!
  11. Well....Ummmm. I thought the cat was good... Ummmm well. SAVE THE KING AND KILL THE CAT!!!!*Raises Buster Sword*
  12. OMG, SephyII!!!! YOU RAN OVER THE CAT!!!!!
  13. PARTY!!!! *Swings from banester* PARTY!!!!! WOO HOO...
  14. I like the poem too. But why are you so lonely?
  15. Are you there Angel?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 62
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