Conversation Between xXCloudXx and DragonHeart

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes I agree with you. Movies do suck on sundays. haha. I've been replaying FFVII for lack of somthing interesting to do.
  2. Ah, those are no fun. My sympathies. At least you're over the worst of it, that's always a good thing. Luckily I have a day off today so I'm making a point of not doing anything. All the movies on TV suck right now though. I blame Sunday.
  3. I've had bronchitus and pnemonia for the last month but I am finally getting over it. I'm doing fine today. No problems so far but I'm not sure how everything is going to turn out. Hope your day continues to go well.
  4. Eh, I've had better days. Been sick all week with a nasty little virus. Should pass soon though, so I'm not too bothered about it. How about you?
  5. Hey, I havent talked to you yet so I figured I would introduce myself. haha. So how are you today? Doing good I hope.
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